Just In: Trump BOOED for ‘Fake Media’ in Davos

World Economic Forum attendees in Davos, Switzerland, loudly booed President Donald Trump on Friday in which he criticized the media as “fake.”
Trump told world political and business leaders that as a businessman, he received positive media coverage, but once he launched his presidential campaign in 2015, he realized that reporters were “nasty” and “fake”—a remark that elicited boos from the audience, particularly from foreign journalists, according to HuffPost. Trump said:
It wasn’t until I became a politician that I realized how nasty, how to mean, how vicious, and how fake the press can be―as the cameras start going off in the back.
The president frequently makes the false claim that television cameras don’t air his anti-media remarks.

The boos actually started earlier, when World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab introduced Trump. He told Trump that “your strong leadership is open to misconceptions and biased interpretations.” The audience loudly protested Schwab’s remarks.
In response to the president’s reported reference to Haiti and African countries as “shithole countries” during a meeting with congressional leaders this month, several delegates from Africa had planned to protest Trump’s speech by staging a walkout. And people did indeed walk out on Trump’s speech, but it was unclear if that protest occurred, as some attendees said they needed to leave the speech before its conclusion:

Earlier in the day, Trump met with Rwanda President Paul Kagame, the head of the African Union, which criticized Trump’s racist remarks, though Trump refused to say whether the two leaders discussed his “shithole” comments.

Just In: Trump BOOED for ‘Fake Media’ in Davos Just In: Trump BOOED for ‘Fake Media’ in Davos Reviewed by Unknown on January 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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